This Thrush was hanging round near the kitchen window this morning. 🐦
@Miraz I love how this photo is framed. You have posted others from this view before. I remember the tree because it intrigued me. 😎
@poetalegre Thank you! The ‘tree' is the spear of a flax bush. Flax bushes have leaves all coming from the base. After a couple of years they grow those stalks in the summer which then produce flowers.
@Miraz is that about the same size as a sparrow? if it is i think i've found my mystery backyard bird
@Miraz You did a great job to capture this bird, which I assume wasn’t keeping very still.
@martinfeld Thanks, but actually it was very obliging. Sat right there while I fetched my camera from the other room and took the photo.
@tones Perhaps it's a Dunnock. NZBirdsOnline is invaluable for identifying birds you see. Falls down if you only hear it…