
In Rage against the Video on Lounge Ruminator, I consider the effect that music videos have on the listening experience. 🎙

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@AlanRalph Thank you very much for sharing your experience of listening to music over the years! Having personalities whom you like on the radio is certainly a nice thing and a good memory from your childhood.

It’s interesting that you were less driven by music videos. It has certainly never been the centre of my music experience—just a nice enhancement of sorts and something to share with my family.

What’s your opinion of things like lyric videos? In all honesty, I’ve never been a fan of them as they don’t really offer anything in terms of a story, just a way of highlighting the lyrics in a way that’s obviously cheap for music companies to produce. I find that they detract from the music in a way that a normal music video may complement or give it personality.

Also if you had to choose, what is your favourite way to listen to music? I’ve always preferred to listen to albums in full (physical or digital) and absorb their style and chosen order of songs, with shuffled playlists as a second option.

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@AlanRalph That’s actually a pretty good way to use lyric videos.

Do you have a favourite album?

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@AlanRalph Great answer! I have heard none of those albums and will have to seek them out when I have a moment. If I had to choose a limited number of favourites, they would have to be A Rush of Blood to the Head by Coldplay, Með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust by Sigur Rós and Eternal Nightcap by The Whitlams. I keep a list of favourite things on my site, which was inspired by @burk.

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