There will be a IndieWeb pop-up session in February about personal libraries: using alternatives to Goodreads, tracking books on your own site, and common formats we can use.
There will be a IndieWeb pop-up session in February about personal libraries: using alternatives to Goodreads, tracking books on your own site, and common formats we can use.
@manton Sounds interesting. I know this is a tough problem to solve, but right now it seems that as I look to move away from Goodreads there are too many niche places to post. My Micro.Blog site, Indie Book Club, lists, Italic Type, etc. Hopefully some standardization could help with adoption, assuming a few more of these players would be on board.
This should be of interest to all future members of the MicroBlog Reading Club ( final name TBD ) - bookmarked to revisit availability later.
@stevesnider this is why I’ve decided to just use blog posts and pages. Anything that has structure implies some level of customization and uniqueness. Heck, I’m done linking to bookstores for books themselves.
@stevesnider IndieBookClub is effectively a client that you can use to post to, so there's no need to use both.
@jthingelstad I use the bookshelves, pages, and posts. I am planning to explore other options in order to document them on the IndieWeb wiki, but my M.b-hosted site is all I plan to actually keep up.