
Opinions on the new reeder app are all over the place and that’s fucking great. Good to see something that’s quite different shaking things up.

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@DaveyCraney I’m pretty sure it won’t replace the traditional feed reader for me (even though I’ve moved on from Reeder, now Classic), but I’m still trying to figure out how I’ll use this one, as I really want to give it a go. It feels pretty great as a Micro.blog client!

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@maique I think that rss experience of moving the unread to read and clearing your feeds is such a strong routine for all of us that have used RSS for a long time. It’s efficient and it’s comfortable.

I’ve dove in with both feet for now and am seeing how I get on with it. I might go back yet… who knows.

Usually the hot new hyped thing comes out and everyone loves it, but this is certainly not everyone’s cup of tea. It’s quite interesting to see how people take or don’t take to it.

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