thingsThisWeek #88
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@maique The notes thing sounds very annoying, as does the being charged every time you changed something. Very weird. Hope you get it sorted. It cost me $50 Canadian for a year. I doubt I'll renew. I want to see what Vincent does with scribbles.

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@alexink I believe the price is super fair for the core offer, hosting and whatnot. I’ve had issues, but it’s a very good deal anyway. Notes and bookmarks would mean increasing the cost to double those 50 and, for that price, others offer a more mature, and complete package. But I do like the core service and, as I’ve said before, the group of people that have found their way here.

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@maique I think you get charged the difference between the new plan and the old plan for the amount of time until the end of the period you still have in your subscription.

Regarding the message about not having a subscription, I got the same thing when I added another blog do my account (Epic Tales Tavern). I tried to post something on my main blog and got the message. Apparently it takes a while for the payment information to propagate, but after a few minutes it start working.

The way the Notes feature was implemented is cool, with end to end encryption. The problem is that this is something complex to expose to users. If a user forgets to save the keys and re-import in another session, they might end up with notebooks which don't sync at all or show garbage (noise form the encrypted content from another session).

But I'm using the feature, since I use multiple computers (work and personal). As I don't have the same iCloud account in these devices, apps which use iCloud to sync content don't work for me.

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@ddanielson I’d be happy with a simple “You’re good until [DATE]” 😅

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@maique Oh, indeed, they are competitive in a very busy market, and the people are what will keep me here as well but, in the end, maybe not as a paying customer.

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@alexink @maique @ddanielson Well, this is a distressing thread. I've not experienced any of the issues described, but I like the community here and hate to see folks leave

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@otaviocc There's is no place I can find where I can even tell when that period ends. I have no idea, except if I check the last receipt I paid. That's part of my point.

The issue with the blog not having a subscription can even make sense if it's a new one. This was an upgrade. The blog was paid for, and now even some more on top of that. There is probably a reason for this as well, but it's just another thing that should be more transparent. It's not what I expect to happen, so maybe a warning about that would be helpful.

As far as Notes go, I suppose it's ok, and the technical part is great. It would mean, for me, an extra $50 a year. I don't have a need for the system, in reality, and I would probably pay the extra dolar for Standard Notes if I did.

Anyway, just sent a mail asking for help with the billing part. I probably have a subscription until next year by now.

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@maique Transparency with the Plans part of the service is an absolute must. I know I and other folks have had repeated issues with this over the past few years so you couldn't even say that this used to be reliable.

It feels too much like some of the other weak spots of MB; it's fragile and can only be fixed if and when Manton gets around to dealing with the individual account.

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@maique yeah, I think I wouldn’t pay the extra $50 just for the notes either. I pay for other reasons, bookmarks, read-later, and especially for the new single-page websites (which I use for Micro.publish). I risk to say the single-page websites is my favorite Premium feature.

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@SimonWoods It feels like I’m always pointing stuff that should, in my opinion, work in a different way. But I can’t think of another service I have ever subscribed to that will not show me the date when the subscription ends, front and center, when I visit the billing page.

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@ddanielson Yeah, I remember that.

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