I still think those ‘Magic Eye’ pictures from the ‘90s were a scam.
@BenSouthwood I loved those!
@BenSouthwood We had fun back then, and not all were easy to see. But I can say I managed a few. Would love to try again, if these were still a thing.
@BenSouthwood Tried two, couldn’t get them to work on the iPhone. But now I want to find someone who still has them!
@BenSouthwood @maique @odd It does work on a screen. 😊 I can also see most stereoscopic videos, like this one. I loved Magic Eye as a kid.
@maique It's definitely a sweet spot for me. I have to adjust the size of the video playing and keep the proper distance from the screen.
@sod Durimgban eye exam Infound out that one of my eyes is further back than the other, I wonder if that’s why I can’t see them?