Here we go again test, test, and again, test. podiboq.micro.blog
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@podiboq hang in there!! I just hope this is ending this year! We are on second day of quarantine and the little one may be showing some symptoms. 😔

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@pcora honestly I really hope so, but I do not think it will be over those year ☹️. Hope your little one will be ok. You too. Take good care of yourself and your family ✌️😷

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@podiboq Similar here. Tests with kids that are in the same class are recommended, but not mandatory. I trust most (if not all) the parents have their kids tested at tinyMovieStar’s school, but I might be wrong of course.

I get (but don’t agree with) the “they don’t check” part (I am Portuguese after all, that’s how things work here), but I can’t imagine how can they live not knowing if their child is sick! That’s what baffles me. If there’s even the slightest chance she’s infected with something, I want to know.

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@maique The parents I don't think they check their kids for real are the same that come to school to pick up their kids without a mask when a mask is mandatory.

And for me, these kinds of people are the ones that don't believe in Covid (or think it's just like a light flu), don't listen to the government, and are pretty sure that everything's a big lie.

So, if they don't bother putting on a mask when they're coming to the front door next to other parents that are waiting and then going to speak to the teacher of their child (that's all day long with ~15 kids), I find it very hard to believe that they give a damn about all this and that will check the kid at home. Maybe I'm wrong, but... 🤷‍♂️

I totally agree with you that a normal parent should act exactly like you've said, but, unfortunately, not all people are normal... That's the sad reality in my opinion.

I'm just like this. For everything regarding my little one. So I get what you're saying ✌

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