@MitchWagner Not what I expected to read waking up, but I did.
@MitchWagner Hmmmm... Nope. Found the article really interesting, though. Very detailed, I now know how to prepare them, if I ever find myself in need. But I'm not a bug person.
@MitchWagner I was surprised that it didn't recommend frying, which I've always read as the best way to choke down (sorry, enjoy) bugs. From anthropology major days in college, I remember a story by an ethnographer whose hosts fixed him a meal of 6-inch-long fried grubs as a special treat. Of course he ate them. His conclusion: fortunately, all deep-fried foods taste pretty much the same.
@maique In theory, preparing and eating bugs should be not much different a sensory experience than shrimp, crab, or lobster.
@MitchWagner You’re right but, and that is something that really puzzles my countrymen, I don’t eat shrimp, crab, or lobster either. We have a huge tradition with those here, and I never cared for them…