Two Months Doing Weeknotes lmika.org
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@lmika, hey thanks for sharing this. Writing is such a powerful tool :-) A year ago or so I started to keep such notes on a daily level, I can't write them at the end of the week as I'm constantly forgetting what I've been doing. How are you keeping all the details on your mind during the week? Or are you just writing down what you remember and the rest was not important enough?

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@V_ Thanks for that. I can usually rely on my memory for a high-level overview of what I did over the week, but I also keep day-to-day notes in Obsidian. They're more like working notes, such as todo lists, data extracts, etc. but I can usually reverse engineer what I was working on at the time from that. Most of that is pretty routine — such as customer support notes — that I tend not to include, but if I think more detail is warranted, I turn to these.

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