
I imagine all my writing in Obsidian and the new Notes feature in might be missing piece in the puzzle. Very basic, but that makes it so flexible. Great addition!

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@hutaffe i really want to dive in with Obsidian, but need to learn more about what it does and how to best use it. Any tips would be appreciated!

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@UndamnedOne I suggest just downloading it and trying it out for whatever you want to do. It's easy to get overwhelmed by all the available plugins and possibilities. If you think of something you want to do, check if there's a plugin (there often is) and check out the forum, there's lots of good stuff and nice people in there!

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@hutaffe thank you! I guess I don’t really know what I want to do with it yet. What my use case is. What it is. A note taker? Outliner? Citation collector?

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@UndamnedOne that's the good and bad thing about it 😉 It can be anything or everything at the same time. I put my meeting notes, requirements documentation, thoughts, todos in one vault, fiction writing and blog in another… I love the tool, but it's definitely not for everyone. Good luck finding your use case 😊

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@hutaffe @UnDamnedOne I use Obsidian for daily journals, logging, project management, brain dumps, and some writing. (I use Drafts for short-form writing and Scrivener for long-form). Obsidian has proven its value in this way: After I write something, I want to find it later. Drafts is pretty terrible at that, even through it works with Spotlight. Scrivener is good internally, with its own search. Obsidian works better than anything I've found so far for two reasons: Internally, it displays searches clearly. Externally, it makes machine- and human-readable files that Spotlight can see and I can eyeball. This is also great for backups and archiving.

As extra insurance, I have DevonThink taking in all the Obsidian files so I can search for them in DevonThink also.

As @hutaffe advised, you have to try it out to see if you like writing in it. I publish directly from Obsidian to, Buttondown, and Medium. Drafts has an "Action" that sends a draft into your Obsidian daily file. When I want to find something, Obsidian is the first place I look.

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