Use your point and shoot camera:
@jamesvandyne YES!
Though, I sometimes use an old Canon Ixus which is definitely not sharper in terms of quality. But, I feel more present using it since I can only take photos and not send, edit, upload them.
@mejh To integrate GPS position, I'm a satisfied user of and I use the second application when I record my routes (typically bike rides) with a mapping application like Ride with GPS, Strava or Komoot.
@mejh To be honest, I'm not always disciplined enough either. But for 'real' bike rides, I always have a GPS that records the route (and helps me navigate if necessary).
@mejh I agree with the GPS. Canon has an app for connecting to the camera over WiFi to download photos that can also set the coordinates based on current location (so not perfect if you're moving about). I think there's also some SD cards that do GPS? Or some other camera / app independent way of setting location.