Roll the Bones:
@apulianas Congrats again. And now I have to go and listen to Roll the Bones. Been too long. Still slowly dipping back in Rush after Neil's passing. Surprising how hard it has been for me emotionally.
@joec thanks Joe. I think a lot of his songs pack a bit more punch these days when I listen. I get where you’re coming from.
@apulianas Ghost of a Chance is still one of Alex's best guitar solos. And he has a lot of great guitar solos.
@joec the way Alex strums the ending chord in reverse on Snakes and Arrows Live always gives me chills. That song is peak Rush, IMO. Not showy, but incredibly intentional.
@apulianas Exactly. Songs like that are why I'll never understand people who stopped listening after Moving Pictures. To me, they were constantly pushing to new levels of songwriting, right up to Clockwork Angels. The Garden, their "final" song may just be their best. And talk about guitar solos…
@apulianas Exactly. Songs like that are why I'll never understand people who stopped listening after Moving Pictures. To me, they were constantly pushing to new levels of songwriting, right up to Clockwork Angels. The Garden, their "final" song may just be their best. And talk about guitar solos…