@jnjosh not perfect yet, lol. jnjosh.com/posts/sta...
@jnjosh I’m running Hugo, too, and haven’t cracked the mobile posting method yet. It’s not a priority for me, and being able to post to micro helps fill this gap; but it would be nice to be able to post to my own thing from my phone.
@alans Best I've come up with is moving hosting to Netlify hooked into a github repo. Then Working Copy on iOS. It's one reason I'm back on Wordpress :).
@alans I really want to manage my site using a static generator, preferably Hugo, but as much as I love the idea of it, it always falls down in real life. Someday it'll happen!
@JohnPhilpin Haha, not as meta as I hoped. I can't quite figure out when URLs end up in the micro.blog post.
@alans Yeah, the Netlify + Working Copy approach seems to be the best. I looked at nanopub but haven't really taken the time to understand it.
@jnjosh I use Working Copy on iOS, push to github, and build with TravisCI (switching to CircleCI soon). The build is auto triggered based on a push to branch and deploys to S3. It’s all automated except the Working Copy part.
I’m working on getting a server less Micropub endpoint setup that will just push to git for me, and hopefully use Micro.blog, Micron, or Indigenous (once I get a beta invite) to do posts that way.
@oyam Yeah, I use Working Copy, github, and Netlify to do the same. It works but it's cumbersome. Remembering the front matter, the correct location. It's certainly not as simple as it should be.
I haven heard of Indigenous or Micron. I would love to do something where writing a post is as easy as tweeting. I guess Micropub is the way.
@jnjosh I was going to fave that comment ... but somehow that didn’t seem right ... it seemed to be akin to dropping a thumbs up / heart / like on a post where someone just announced that their cat had died, or they lost their job ... so instead I have responded so that you know that I saw your response but didn’t want to be too blaise with my acknowledgment ... does that make sense .... ?
@amit @alans I've been working tonight to get https://github.com/voxpelli/webpage-micropub-to-github set up for my blog. Text is fine, photos not so much.
@jnjosh yeah, looked at that — formatted closely for Jekyll. I would need some changes and fixes to work with Hugo. Plan to try post nanopub. Just curious, are you hosting the endpoint as a separate app?