
@kq use filte... No I'm kidding. You're right there on both points. Only two days ago I couldn't handle the space rocket exploding and everyone taking their turn to take a piss on that fire.

To me Mastodon has been mostly (mostly!) Ok because I ignored the main feed and just used the columns I built. That way I mostly see only the specific interests and not the vents.

MB is becoming more of a grooming issue slowly because there are a lot of folks I follow, and it's slowly becoming more "noise," so I unfollow generously and try to stick to RSS (a long piece has a better chance of having original content), and keep a skeleton of interesting folks here.

My opinion for what it's worth - don't do anything drastic, yet. Just turn it off for a bit and take a break. An evening, a weekend, a week.

Focus on one or two (at most) topics you want to focus on these days and put up filters to pull that instead. Then spend some time trimming that further (who posts more than once a month? Who have several interesting posts?)

I find that people who post about three things that interest me (say exercise, photography, writing) are precious and are worth following. Otherwise, it's just a good post, I comment and move on.

I don't always follow my own rules but in general these help me some.

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@kq yeah, I see that. Not sure why that is. I think it's something about my Android app >.>

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@m2m this looks a lot like when I tried to use Twitter lists, unfollow dead accounts and tried to get rid of the noise on my Twitter timeline. I'm not sure the investment was worth it after all. Read: numericcitizen.me/the-ultim...

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@rcrackley same for me. Mastodon is not sticking with me (for now).

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@kev I’d say nuke your follow list and start over. The best way to have a good timeline is to very selectively curate your timeline :)

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@kq My thoughts: 1. Take a step back for a while. Doing something you don't like isn't great. 2. Limit the people you follow, unfollow or mute people who's posts make you feel bad. 3. Hide shared posts on your feed.

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@m2m @barrysampson @kq This is exactly how I feel as well. RSS is the great equalizer, and almost all of my online reading is consumed through it. Even my Micro.blog feed runs through RSS now, and I appreciate the ability it affords me to take my time, and read at my own pace.

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@kq I read some advice years ago, treat social media like a little creek. Dip in and enjoy the water flowing by at that moment. Don’t chase the water that has gone by, don’t sit waiting for new. My interpretation of that is to use rss feeds for what I consider important, the rest I just dip into.

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@kev yeah that’s a nice decrease right there! I’m sitting at about 50 and I think my timeline is in a nice sweet spot. Most of the people I follow aren’t frequent posters either so I can get through updates in about 10-15 minutes which I really like!

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