@tgray In my current course (Software Engineering) it's pretty much the same thing for me personally. A few lectures but otherwise Scrum meetings and other similar stuff.
And since I have the corresponding hardware at home (in some cases better), approximately the same network connectivity (I've had fiber connection for 15+ years), etc, it basically doesn't matter that I'm at home ... OK, there is one thing: I miss my 20+ year old office chair from work, I got a newer fancy chair for free but it's not as good as my old one.
I would definitely be open for a remote-work developer position.
But I suspect that it's more of a problem for the students, they don't really know each other that well but now they have to form groups, decide on architecture, chose tools, etc, etc, just using online communication.
We have had a number guest lecturers from industry and they said "great, this is how we work" ... well, I hardly think that they are starting a new project from scratch with 60 people who haven't worked together before 😝