This is what passes for July in London. I’d like a refund, please.
@TheMacPsych After those ridiculous few weeks of Mediterranean sunshine, the weather’s been utterly terrible here. So much so that I wanted to put on the fire earlier this week.
@BenSouthwood I'm wearing long trousers and will need a jacket when I go outside later. In July?! I'm seriously unimpressed.
@TheMacPsych The sky here is pretty much the same, if not a bit darker. Foggy on the coast as well. I bet a LOT of people are already demanding that refund.
@maique Yikes! I guess, at least I'm not on holidays. I'd be pretty disappointed if I'd flown here expecting nicer weather. I have my fingers firmly crossed for better weather in Sitges next month...
@BenSouthwood @TheMacPsych It’s actually a bit sunny (and windy) here on Clew Bay but there was an absolute deluge last night. London looks pretty but I wouldn’t like to have to be outdoors.
@artkavanagh @TheMacPsych Par for the course now with climate change, I suppose. I’ve ordered a load of stuff to tidy the garden next week, so hope the weather is at least OK for a while.
@TheMacPsych here it's 16-18 degrees, rain and cloudy... I like it, so much better than the weather in some other parts of the world
@jemostrom Oh yeah, I definitely don’t want a killer heatwave or wildfires. But some sunshine would be nice.
@TheMacPsych we're lucky, we have nice mixture. Yesterday morning was quite rainy, afternoon was sunny. Today it's supposed to be sunny whole day and tomorrow it will rain.