Recovering From Covid jayeless.net
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@jayeless oh no...good luck! It's going around in my region, a friend just caught it for the first time. πŸ˜”

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@jayeless Ugh! May your getting well be steady and smooth!

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@jayeless Sorry to hear that and hope you get better soon. I was raised with the 'going to school/work no matter how you feel' mindset, and it's difficult to shift from without feeling like I'm not trying hard enough or being lazy, especially considering my health is pretty good otherwise. But if covid taught me anything, it's that people don't usually advertise how well their immune system works, so it's a win-win for all parties for people to stay home when ill. I also definitely relate to the teaching thing - when I see/hear sick children at school, I wonder why they have come...and then cringe thinking there were probably times when I was that kid at school πŸ™ƒ

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@jayeless We share the mindset of β€œstay at home if you’re sick”. I had colds, the flu, and allergies a lot growing up. My mother let me stay at home, because she knew this. Luckily for us, she was a homemaker in my younger years, and afterwards, I just said when I needed to be at home with something brewing. I hope you soldier on, but at home, tending your illness. Hoping you can get some rest and not have to choose between breathing and going to sleep! The best of luck, and a hopefully speedy recovery from here on. β€οΈβ€πŸ©Ή ❌🦠

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@lostinhaste @Miraz @val @odd Thanks for the well wishes, everyone πŸ™‚ Thankfully I am continuing to feel better every day – even today I feel a fair bit better than yesterday, and so forth!

re: upbringings, I think my mum was very much of the "stay at home when you're sick" mindset, while my dad was (and is) more like "if you're not basically dying you're perfectly capable of school/work". So, as a kid, I'd end up staying home sick with my mum while my dad was passive-aggressive about it πŸ™ƒ But I think as time has gone on, and especially with the pandemic, my mum has been vindicated. We really have to resist the guilt-tripping that it's "lazy" to take care of yourself during an illness.

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