
Viv got me to walk on the beach with him today, and I guess I feel good for having got the exercise, but MAN the weather was TERRIBLE for it! Our one small mercy was that it didn’t rain, but the winds were howling and I ended up with aching ears and a gross dripping nose 😭

a beach in winter, with dramatic skies of dark grey cloud and little bits of blue, a churning ocean, and the trees/buildings in the distance all dark in the poor light

@jayeless Intellectually, I know that it's winter in the Southern Hemisphere, but it still stops me short when you all talk about it. When I first saw the photo on my timeline, I thought "Oh, nice summer day."


@jean Heh, I guess that's something we're more used to in the Southern Hemisphere (that is, being conscious that two seasons are happening at once, in different parts of the world). It's at the point that every time I see a mention of something happening "in spring", I really have to puzzle it out: "Do they mean in the second half of the year or in the first half…"
