Dabbling in language-learning micro.jayeless.net

@jayeless I really enjoyed reading this entry. I'm an autodidact in general, but I tend to be very academic about language learning, only feeling I'm truly learning if I have proper lessons with a teacher. A few years ago I did just that for German, for a few months with a wonderful German lady in retirement, but had to stop when I had my son and moved back to Portugal. I remember feeling completely lost despite the few similarities to English, I struggled, persisted and had a thrill everytime I recognised words in a German movie (because recognising written German was one thing, recognising oral German was a challenge). I'd love to pick it up again, but impossible to find time yet. I also tried a mooc on Norwegian and I felt even more lost, because again there are some similiarities to English or even German, but it felt so different that I struggled to retain any of the lessons. Still, languages are simply too beautiful and fascinating a subject not to give it a go :-)


@Portufraise I know what you mean – I think I learn much better with an actual teacher, but I can still pick up a bit on my own :) Recognising words when spoken is definitely the hardest part for me, too, and it's one of the reasons why having an actual teacher is so helpful (at least, you get pretty good understanding their accent, haha). I hope you find the time to get back to German one day!
