iPhone 15 Pro ‘Action’ Button to Replace Role of Volume Buttons When Performing a Power Off/Force Restart "the leaker also claimed that the “Action” button will replace the volume up button for taking photos in the Camera app, with force-sensitivity enabling a light press to auto-focus the camera, a hard press to take a picture, and a hard/long press to record video." Ok, this is a rumour, but it’s an interesting one. If Apple does this, it would bring the iPhone 15 Pro / Max closer to traditional camera behaviour. Coupled with the upgraded cameras and possible addition of the periscope lens, Apple...
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@numericcitizen I’d actually like to have such a feature: half-button press for focus lock, full press for shutter release/snapshot. Like on my Canon 🙂. I bet it’d be a “pro” option/toggle as most folks may prefer a single button click; it’s simpler.

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