
Reddit can be a toxic environment, with bullies and users who aggressively enforce their views on what is appropriate content for a specific subreddit. Today is a bad day for me. 😞 How should I react to this?

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@numericcitizen Ask yourself if you are, in fact, abusing Reddit. If you are not abusing Reddit, ignore the haters.

I got called all kinds of terrible names over a recent movie review I wrote in which I used the word "woke" in the headline. After a few hours of that, I deleted the review from the thread, deleted all my comments, and moved on.

Do you get paid for your posts and videos? If you do not get paid for them, then consider just not posting to Reddit if the haters bother you. If you do get paid for them, consider whether the revenue you derive from promoting on Reddit is worth the emotional cost.

I often post to Reddit, and often get called names by the Redditors. Mostly it doesn't bother me, and when it does bother me, it only rises to the level of annoyance, nothing more. When it hits that level, I take a break from reddit, or at least that particular subreddit.

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@MitchW fair. I don’t get paid for anything. I share because I want to contribute to a community. Simple as that. I’ll take a break… anyway I share sporadically on Reddit. They will have a break from my shitty stuff! 🤣🤣🤣

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@numericcitizen I’ll second what Mitch said. But I’m also a proponent for challenging unkindness with kindness. Commenting with something like “Thanks for the feedback!” and leaving it at that may remind them that there’s a person behind the account. And then you get to decide how much or how little you want to take their input to heart. 🧡

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@jarrod Thanks for your idea. I like it.

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