
I bought two Kansas vinyl records yesterday, though I don’t know them well. Is an opportunity to get better acquainted. Also, what beautiful sleeve in this one. The other one is their first album.

If you buy physical media, do you usually buy albums you already know or new stuff to discover?

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@jacob The covers are great! The artwork and lyrics is the thing I miss most about LP’s. I may have a Kansas album myself, come to think of it. I haven’t been buying physical albums since 2010-ish, other than a couple that I already knew. (Going into my doomsday collection). Back in the day I bought a mix of known albums and unknown stuff.

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@odd I also haven’t been buying physical media for a long time. In May we went to an antiques store and saw all the CDs and LPs there and, somehow I now have an LP player and a few records. It’s a different kind of experience. I’ve almost forgot how it feels listening to physical media.

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