I’m not leaving Twitter – yet: jack.baty.net
@jack I'm not leaving twitter either, but I'm not going to check it for a while – or forever.
@hjertnes I've reduced checking Twitter a few times a day. Convinced myself that I'm using Twitter rather than Twitter using me. The illusion is working for now :)
@jack Makes sense. I have decided to remove a few things from my life. Mainly stuff I do that I don't enjoy and can't explain why I should be doing them.
@jack Great post. That’s pretty much exactly how I feel. I'm not leaving Twitter, but I am reducing my reliance on it... Wrote about it last night, actually.
@jack Well reasoned post. I’m linking to it in something I’ve got coming later (it popped up and perfectly illustrates part of what I was writing.) We all have to make our own decisions as just blindly following the pack serves no one.
@sketchbookb Love your post. I'm sure I'd be fine with just a combination of RSS, micro.blog, and Nuzzel. Not quite there yet though.