I reviewed the 2018 MacBook Air. It’s a great laptop, and it’s probably the machine for most people looking for a new Mac, but Apple needs to make that more clear.
I reviewed the 2018 MacBook Air. It’s a great laptop, and it’s probably the machine for most people looking for a new Mac, but Apple needs to make that more clear.
@ismh Totally get it. A family member of mine just replaced their 2010 Air with this one. They’re so happy with the move.
@ismh My son, replacing a 9-year-old MacBook Pro, decided on the Air and is in love with TouchID. My biggest choking point is that I need more then 500GB but choke a bit on the price for 1.5T, with no 1.0T currently available.
@ReaderJohn the lack of a 1 TB option blows my mind.