
Finished Avatar: Legend of Korra today. I know I’m late to the game, but I really liked it and was a good closing to the Avatar series. It started a bit meh and took me a while to get hooked, but they really stepped up and got a very well rounded story. I’m glad I got into the series this year!

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@iPabloSB I thought it was okay, but it suffered too much from being in an established universe instead of being its own thing. I'm sure the creators were aware of this, but stiffled in their creative choice by Nicleodeon, demanding a spin-off. Despite of that, it wasn't boring or repetitive, which so often plagues spin-off series. However, the exploration of the world and magic, which made the original so compelling, was lacking, since the world was already established.

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@iPabloSB ALoK had a wider universe to explore, along with the different Nations coping with rebuilding trust after 108 years of war and a young Avatar trying to find herself along with just about all the other characters. I liked how each season was its own story with the ultimate ending of course. It really went in a different direction than the original travels with the gAang, but I liked it well enough to have rewatched it 4 times now.

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@renevanbelzen that was my main gripe. It was a story on a well established universe that seemed to try too hard to differ enough from the original. But the creators in my opinion succeeded in making it exciting enough and after the first 5 episodes they managed to get me to like the team and plot

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@starrwulfe what I really liked is that Aang kind of had his destiny already decided for him, but Korra had to carve her own and find herself in a new world where an Avatar seems to be more dispensable (and even hated), and she has to mature and prove herself in a different way that Aang had to.

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