@furstenberg yeah, what they described to me is that they are teaching back to back, they don’t even have time to talk/plan with another colleague what to do if they share a course/class and they might be required to spend time in the evenings talking to parents. Then add a course in programming... and in some cases an extra compulsory course. And these are people who are talking care of kids with all that includes. This what I hear from they them, but I hear the same kind of story from almost everyone I meet so I’m going to believe what they say until I hear something else.
As for myself, I’m in a similar situation to you. I like learning new stuff, I like software ... but unfortunately we are given less and less time for each course we teach, which means that we need to teach more courses/teacher. This mean for me, who teach “courses that no one else want to teach”, that I should keep up to date in various subjects like operating systems, programming language theory, databases, concurrent systems, software engineering, fintech, and programming language like C, Python, Java, Haskell with related technologies ... plus new languages like Rust, Julia, etc. Add to that web related stuff, cloud computing, etc.
Note, I wouldn’t mind learning all the new stuff, I’m very interested in all this but I don’t have the time to keep the things I know up to date. So I’ve basically given up (I become even more negative just writing this) and spend my free time with photography instead - lots of thing to learn and experiment with, and actually feel enjoyment/satisfaction instead of frustration of not having the time to do (= learn) things properly.