Smelling my dog on her head is so calming. She smells like a dog should smell. I believe this is something almost only people who like dogs can appreciate.
micro.mangochutney.meSmelling my dog on her head is so calming. She smells like a dog should smell. I believe this is something almost only people who like dogs can appreciate. SO agree! When we had dogs we did this al that time. I think they get something out of the closeness of their person, but also the intake of breath through the hair on top of their head. It’s calming for everyone involved. 😌
@thaddeushunt our dog took a while to grasp that this a sign of affection and I know some dogs who barely tolerate it. Still, it’s so nice.
@mangochutney there's a certain aroma from their coat which always makes me hap. A purity. Unless there's fox poo involved of course.