@nitinkhanna I think the cache plugin was causing a problem so I’ve disabled it.
I use Drafts 5 (beta) for just about everything now.
@colinwalker Drafts has a beta? Is it iOS 11 only? How can I get on it?
And yeah, caching plugins play silly games.
@colinwalker How do you like Ulysses?
It's an awesome app, but how they "hide" the markdown always drove me nuts.
@hjertnes funny you say that - been revisiting Ulysses for second time and finding so much more than I understood first time round ..
@JohnPhilpin If you're making a plain text app and I can't CMD-A CMD-C (or select all and copy on iOS) to get the markdown out of it – you failed.
@hjertnes I like it - mostly. The way it handles code blocks is annoying, it never seems to work properly especially when importing from somewhere else. Hiding the Markdown wasn’t so much of an issue for me. I just don’t use it much now so why pay for something I don’t use.
@hjertnes I can understand that, and using it purely to post to my blog maybe that's why I didn't mind it ;)
@hjertnes Not since Poster was acquired and shut down. And I personally wouldn't say the official one is actually any good.
@colinwalker It’s not bad, but it feels like a web app. I'm considering to start working on one.
@hjertnes I'll be just using it as the delivery mechanism so that doesn't concern me too much.
@hjertnes @colinwalker iA Writer can create new posts on Wordpress. It’s been my choice for writing posts. Can publish to multiple places from there. I especially prefer the interface it provides along with, of course, export/share options.