I’m thinking of putting a kid-friendly Linux distro on my old white MacBook…Qimo, Sugar, and Ubermix seem to come up a lot… has anyone tried them? My daughter is six and pretty much besotted with the idea of having her own computer. Requirements are for something that can teach the basi... discombobulated.micro.blog
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@herself officially lost down the Linux rabbit hole for three weeks now. So far I’ve managed to just about Linux-ify the house, with Slackware on an old Toshiba, Mint on an old MacBook, and Manjaro on my old PC downstairs. My dual-booting main laptop is struggling though- we’re on to distro #3 there. Naturally everyone else in the house has completely lost interest, apart from my husband who every once in a while gets Unix flashbacks and in Tourette’s-like spurts will occasionally eject weird commands at random moments, completely apropos of nothing. Send help.

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@herself Fun! Not too frustrating?

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@jack ‘tis, rather. But interesting too. Yesterday I learned how to chroot into my partitions from the install USB to install drivers that aren’t working. I’ve learned about boot loaders, partition tables, how to connect to the internet via the command line, and even some vim. But what it’s all in aid of, I have no idea, hehe. And sometimes you want to do all that stuff and sometimes you just want the façade of the other OSes, like Neal Stephenson says: sometimes you “just want to go to Disneyland.”

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