I guess I enjoyed the first two seasons of Picard well enough, but watching the trailer for the third season, I find myself kind of wishing they had just left things as they were with “All Good Things…” It was an excellent finale; I felt like it left both the story and the characters i...
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@petebrown I totally agree and yet I still find myself enjoying the series for some reason. I think that it’s in large part because the writers haven’t been afraid to make the life choices of multiple older characters central to the plot. I love a fresh-faced, “Golly gee!” character as much as anyone but it’s refreshing to watch a spectrum of mature characters deal with the ramifications of their life choices. (Something that’s usually relegated to just one “grumpy old” character.) Their personal lives are just as important as the baddies’ schemes. Some have lived out their days peacefully while others were just lying to themselves about retiring.

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