@khurt I’m feeling with you. Want to add web mentions as well. But for this I need an active part on the web again. Completely against the idea of using Jekyll in the first place.
@khurt I’m feeling with you. Want to add web mentions as well. But for this I need an active part on the web again. Completely against the idea of using Jekyll in the first place.
@khurt been toying around with using Hugo myself. I’d like to make the jump to a self hosed blog soon.
@khurt Just in case you're looking for additional input... My two favorite things about Hugo: One, It's a single binary with no dependencies and two, it is fast as hell.
@khurt I will second @jack’s recommendation for Hugo. I have been using Hugo for my primary site. It is fast, lite and has an active community behind it.
@khurt another vote for Hugo. As others have said, it is simple, it is effective and it is blazingly, stupendously fast.
@khurt Bummer. Maybe it’s not as well maintained as I thought?
@khurt Sorry, I said I was "thinking" about using Hugo because I wanted to learn Go. I'm not there yet.