I’ve lost a USB C cable. Only, it’s not just a USB C cable, it’s one that also charges and transmits display data. I have plenty of other USB C cables, but they don’t seem to work. Standards are hard.
I’ve lost a USB C cable. Only, it’s not just a USB C cable, it’s one that also charges and transmits display data. I have plenty of other USB C cables, but they don’t seem to work. Standards are hard.
@rosemaryorchard Ouch! Those particular USB-C cables aren’t inexpensive. On a similar note, I need to find a way to organize the cables I have in the bag I use daily.
@gpittman I know! I should probably have a spare. But I've been reorganising as the redecorating and odd jobs are theoretically finally done - and apparently I filed the cable. Darn it. The good news is, one adapter, a HDMI to mini HDMI cable, and another USB cable later and my portable monitor is working!