
The Democratic Party should be scrambling right now to replace Biden as their candidate for president. He has no redline and he is complicit it Israel’s war crimes and genocide.

Fuck Trump. Fuck Biden. Fuck the Democratic and Republican Parties.

America is complicit in war crimes and genocide.

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@Denny Problem is, too many of us what to talk of America is if it were a separate thing, when it is us! However, given that we find it acceptable and good for one to profit from the suffering of others within our own country, why should we expect anything different in how we view actions outside our country?

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@frankm Agreed. I often see the sentiment that we need to be careful about extremism in the United States. The most privileged of the United States, middle-class and upper middle-class white folk, will resist rocking the boat and would prefer that we stay within the current system, but that will not work. The truth is our problems are deeply rooted, and mere Band-Aids will not fix anything. Our solutions will need to run deep, not just political, but cultural, and a rethinking of everything. Everything.

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@Denny Natanyahu took lessons (and he thinks license) from Hitler and decided to skip the ovens.

Hitler loved the way the USA offed most of my native ancestors and codified blackness into slavery and was inspired by it.

Israel exists to alleviate white Brit/American guilt.

It's very very sick stuff.

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