
“Michael Tsai - Blog - iOS Action Discoverability”

iOS usability is horrendous. It’s essentially impossible to discover or learn on your own.

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@baldur I've seen this come up various times but I've found it to be very similar to using a Mac. I've had quite a few older relatives that have had the iPhone/iPad as their first computers and have done very well on their own in learning how to use them. Certainly not all the features available. But the same is true of the Mac. I've been using Macs since 1993 and still learn new methods/tricks some of which have been around for many years but I hadn't discovered.

It seems to me it's the nature of increasingly complex, powerful computing devices that discoverabilty is ongoing as users spend more time use and explore.

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@baldur I find myself frequently irritated when iOS interprets a gesture the wrong way. There are so many of them now that they get in the way of each other. This is also a growing usability problem.

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