
Back to 6 mile mid-week runs in my current marathon training bid. I’m also letting myself run “fast for me” on my other, shorter runs. I have felt tired and weirdly demotivated lately; and yet, these last two runs felt real nice. Guess we’ll see how I feel during Saturday’s planned 11 miler… 🏃

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@darby3 I have been feeling the same since a couple weeks back on the motivation front. Glad you are getting out of it thought and yes once done with runs I feel recharged but it is act of getting started. I keep putting in miles but after going though one Marathon training cycle even though I was not signed up for one doesn't make me eager to run super long runs again. I am sure I will get there just need some lighter weeks 😄

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@ericmwalk Yeah, I think the up and down of...I was training for a marathon, then I had to bounce, and then I did a half, and then I basically immediately went back into marathon mode...is like...but wait, wasn't I supposed to be in victory/cruising mode right now? 😅 But at the end of the day, I still want that finish line medal, finally, so I'm pushing ahead one way or another...

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