
@jtr what are the mechanics of your posting here? Mine was: write in #emacs #org then export using ox-hugo and push the whole blog. Do you export to markdown and paste?

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@eludom that's exactly what i'm doing. Org Dispatcher to Markdown, then Markdown buffer, copy whole thing, paste.

Two things are included in this workflow:

  1. I use ​a Denote template to hide TOC and other things I don't need to be exported to the markdown (part of #options), which makes it more streamlined
  2. Because I use a paid version of Grammarly, the copy-paste also serves as proof reading. Mistakes stand out better because the visual environment change, it's a psychological thing.

At one ​point, I was working on a simple macro (the whole dispatch, select-all, copy to kill ring), but I got distracted.

There's ​also an abandoned emacs-micro.blog package somewhere, purely in elisp.

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@jtr How do images work with that? Do you upload?

I just spent a bit messing with trying to export image links from org to markdown as something other than references to files & got mostly confused. Also would like to maintain image size control and subtitles.​

Previously something like: ​ #+caption: "This Phone Is Property of Ohio Bell" by George Jones is licensed under CC BY 2.0 #+attr_html: :width 200px file:images/tni2.jpg

Replace file: with url ?

Thanks​ ​

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@eludom you should upload images separately with "Uploads." Once there, there's a button to copy, which will copy the HTML into your system clipboard. You paste it into your post in MB (so first, copy-paste markdown from emacs to MB post, then add the image HTML code).

MB uses an app (Android and iOS) which makes this work on the phone to upload there as well. This also allows the AI (if you have it checked) to give you a description; alternatively, you can put it in yourself in the HTML code.

I'll try to make a short recording of this so it makes more sense.

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@eludom by the way, this is why I skip short posts (aka mastodon size posts, or tweets or whatever) with emacs entirely; I just do it with the app.

Images are uploaded full size I believe, but your theme decides how it displays. This is by CSS. Right click on an image to open in another tab and then click to zoom in to see what I mean

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@jtr Thanks.

I'm looking at how to import images from all my old Hugo stuff so I can just migrate over.

The web interface seems to only allow one image at a time upload. I see you asked about that. Every get a solution? Others seem to be stuck on that as well.

Trying to get past the mechanics of migrating in. Then I need to re-wrap my head around the "why blog", "how blog", questions: help.micro.blog/t/12-days...

​Pretty sure this is going to be way smoother, more functionality than my own Hugo server, but I want to migrate existing content to start.​

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@eludom sorry for the delay. Afaik, yes, one picture at a time from the web interface. To get around that I use Sunlit, which is the photo dedicated app on iOS (android version should also exist).

I would think the import option would have that , but at this point you’re more experienced than me.

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@eludom another workaround is to keep a photo blog or a photo platform that works with RSS (like your wordpress blog) and create a photo page that automatically updates from the RSS (that’s one of MB’s tricks) but it mean you keep updating that platform.

I use this for my games and movies pages.

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@jtr yeah, I'm probably going to figure out the API and do it that way.

This is still going to be fiddley. Already having to ask the question "how do I tweak the theme". Photos only indexes JPG be default.

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@eludom there is a plug in for that I believe. Check under their plug ins, useful things there

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