
For the crowd that only browses the web on weekdays: I wrote a bit over the weekend about the decline of the Mac.

“Seams, Stitches, And The Decline Of The Mac”

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@baldur this is a great piece -- thanks so much for sharing it (also, I am wicked interested in PopOS. Have you used it at all? From the looks of it, it is pretty much how I configure linux to run with a whole heap more fancy fancy)

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@eli caution on PopOS. My experience Ubuntu Linux vs PopOS Linux My other problem is the PopOS software depository just does not have that much in it. I've got Ubuntu on another computer and it has more software, better descriptions and the screen images actually load. YMMV.

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@bradenslen thanks for the warning! I use Ubuntu as my primary OS, and doubt I'd dip away anytime soon, but PopOS seemed interesting. Thanks for sharing your perspective and experience.

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@eli @bradenslen Thanks from me as well! PopOS was on my list of things to test because it looked interesting but I guess that even if it didn't have any problems the advantage it has over the equivalent Ubuntu version is marginal at best.

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@baldur @eli someday it might be an okay choice. Right now it just dosen't seem polished. Software updates sometimes hang in the "POP Shop" and you have to go sudo-ing on command line to clear it.

When I first got the computer: all computers have the three little function icons in the corner of a window - Min/Max X. Well POP leaves one of them off. So I had to Duckduck around finding a solution and theres something extensions from Gnome that puts it back. Why ditch it in the first place? What happened to "Don't make me think" usability? I think they got hung up on minimalism and lost sight of usability.

That said the hardware works fine. I'd buy again only with Ubuntu as the distro.

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@baldur I'm in the active denial crowd. The software I need for work (Vectorworks and Lightwright) only exist on macOS and Windows, plus my field is small enough that they probably will never be ported anywhere else. (LW has a single part-time developer and is basically the only lighting paperwork program).

Every time I've tried Windows, I've hated it. So Apple better keep the Mac going or I'll cry. A lot. That'll keep them working on it? Right? 🙏

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