@help Is there something currently wrong with publishing?
I had a post scheduled for 20 min ago. It never appeared, so I tried rebuilding. Now the entire site is gone and simply says "Not Found" when I visit the URL.
@help Is there something currently wrong with publishing?
I had a post scheduled for 20 min ago. It never appeared, so I tried rebuilding. Now the entire site is gone and simply says "Not Found" when I visit the URL.
@ryanbooker Your site is showing me a 'Not Found' also. Is it a micro.blog hosted site?
@ryanbooker If you've switched to Hugo 0.117, try reverting back to the default version. I've seen some problems with that version where there is an error building the site, but the error isn't properly logged.
@help Thanks. That fixed the site. It looks like the post wasn’t cross posted, but I can easily repost that. Thanks.
@help For what it’s worth. They did eventually cross post. The post also suffered from the phantom posts issue for every reschedule I had done. Duplicate posts ended up in the blog, timeline, and cross posts.