Pondering on Google I/O: philbowell.com
@philbowell I think the thing with using any sort of digital assistant to make a reservation or retrieve information via phone call is answering the wrong question. The solution is realistically "how can we help these businesses put this online so people don't need to phone us?"
@rosemaryorchard or a (slightly scary) future where your digital assist communicates directly to another AI
@derekpeden I'd be fine with my virtual assistant communicating with an API made for this purpose, but something about the human involvement without their knowledge feels icky.
@rosemaryorchard @derekpeden How do you feel about chatting with businesses and the use of chat bots? Interested to hear your thoughts.
@webb When it's clear it's a bot I have no issue whatsoever. Many companies use chat bots as first line support and you talk to "Rita-Bot" for example. Assuming they tell you a command to shortcut you to a human if their bot can't complete your request it's no problem. I hate it when I end up with a bot masquerading as a human though - they are usually the ones that aren't programmed as well too.
@philbowell Yeah I feel very much the same as you in many levels. Much of what Google is doing is so cool, and it makes you want to use it. But should we be using it and will using it help Google make more things that we DON’T think are so cool?