Hey, Gramps, how did you use Yahoo Pipes?: jeremycherfas.net
@jeremycherfas Tagging @cygnoir with this as she was the first person to suggest that Newsblur enable cross-posting to m.b and wondering what it would take to make either that or full-on micropub support happen.
@cambridgeport90 Is what an app of some sort? Newsblur? Yes, a rather good RSS (and email newsletter) feed reader. Or is this a swipe at my comment about Pipes that I am failing to fully appreciate?
@jeremycherfas Every time I use NewsBlur (every day) I am irritated that there isn't a method to share stories directly from my feed reader to Micro.blog. Thanks for caring about it too!
@jeremycherfas @cygnoir Unless and until Newsblur were to support Micropub, I notice that it does have IFTTT support, so one might be able to carefully write some recipes that allows some functionality to dovetail with any website that has a micropub endpoint. I’ve documented some similar work I did using IFTTT to get the Inoreader feed reader to post reads, bookmarks, and replies to others’ sites to my WordPress website using micropub. I would abandon Inoreader for a reader with good Micropub support.
@chrisaldrich @jeremycherfas @cygnoir this support would cause me to go back to NewsBlur from Inoreader
@svenseebeck possibly so. The point that @chrisaldrich made in more detail than I did is that Micropub would enable sharing even more widely. Any of the current feed readers could do it if they chose to.
@chrisaldrich Thank you for joining the conversation at the NewsBlur forum. As a woman who isn't a tech professional, my voice doesn't carry very far in those forums, so I appreciate the signal boost. // cc: @jeremycherfas @toddgrotenhuis
@cygnoir @jeremycherfas @toddgrotenhuis I am the current developer of the official NewsBlur iOS app. If someone can point to a guide or code for posting to Micro.blog from an iOS app, that may be something I could add, if the platform owner sees the value.
@dejus Did a quick search of the NNW repo and from a layman's perspective it looks promising. I know Manton is always willing to offer help where he can with this kind of thing, plus there's the Snippets framework and the Posting API document.
Sorry if this isn't helpful; just a few guesses from a non-programmer. 😅
@issimonwoods thanks, some good starting points there. I'll investigate further, and see what I can do.
@dejus @cygnoir @toddgrotenhuis That would be brilliant. As @chrisaldrich explained at boffosocko.com/2021/12/2... it would probably be more useful to consider Micropub as a bridge to many different kinds of CMS. That need not be restricted to iOS.
@dejus Hi there! I'm wondering if you've had time to take a look at this. Sign me, She who revives old M.b threads. 😆
@cygnoir I raised it with the owner, who said it will be addressed as part of planned changes for OAuth support. Here's the relevant issue (that also links to the closed issue where I raised Micro.blog), if you want to encourage him directly.