Psalm 50 and Hosea 6:6 are always important reminders for Christians. “I desire steadfast love, not (liturgy), and acknowledgement of God rather than (immaculate vestments, musical worship sets, sermons, sacraments, etc.)”
Psalm 50 and Hosea 6:6 are always important reminders for Christians. “I desire steadfast love, not (liturgy), and acknowledgement of God rather than (immaculate vestments, musical worship sets, sermons, sacraments, etc.)”
@joshuapsteele I will reread these passages. Btw, do you know a good Bible app for iOS (and preferably also Android), that has both KJV and a AMP translation? It’s okay if costs a bit. If it has even more translations, like NB2011 for purchase, it’s even better.
@donnydavis Thanks. I was using that one before, but stopped because it has so much going on in it besides the translations. I guess it will have to do. Thank you for replying!
@odd fwiw I’ve been using apps from since the Palm OS days.
@davegullett I just reinstalled the app. I find the navigation better in YouVersion app, but in Olive Tree you have more useful features. Thank you for your input!