BookTok encourages reading as an aesthetic and no one is safe from its gaze From the Makes Me Feel Old Even Though I’m Not Actually that Old Department. By Elena Cavender at Mashable: "“Lots of people read on their phones or Kindles on the train, and those people are reading just for the sake of reading. But the people that are reading a physical book with a cover on it, they’re making a choice to read that one in public,” Erin Hunziker, a 28-year-old digital marketing content creator, tells Mashable." The implication that reading has transformed into a theatrical performance in which everyone mus... www.dandy.cat

@dandycat That sounds absolutely exhausting to me. As someone who reads books off screens a lot, I just want to read books, I'm not trying to put on a performance for anyone else! Geez. But "BookTok" seems to have a lot of harebrained takes like this 🥴

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@jayeless There’s even more of this stuff happening on BookTok? Exhausting is a fantastic word to use then. Count me out of it forever, thank you!
