I’m currently reading a book that makes a reference to the mass malathion sprayings that took place in California (and other places) during the ‘80s and ‘90s. Tons of pesticide was dropped all over California in an effort to combat a Mediterranean fruit fly infestation. I was in element... www.dandy.cat
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@dandycat I never knew they did such so late as the 1990s! Amazing, and awful. So the chem-trail’ers was part right. 😰

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@odd Yeah, they were pretty close to being correct. It was a weird time out here.

I was young, so I may be wrong, but I have the impression that most people didn’t mind it. Maybe they weren’t quite as blasé about it as they were about DDT (I’m reminded of this scene in The Tree of Life), but I recall it being a welcome thing. Now, though? I think the consensus from the general public is “pesticides = bad,” so who knows if something like the malathion sprayings will ever happen again?

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@dandycat That picture was surreal!

I thought after the use of Agent Orange in Vietnam, the public would be very cautious and opposed to it, but I guess some pesticides are worse than others too, (or they were said to be).

I saw a Norwegian commercial once, where a housewife sprayed against insects, over the fruit that they were about to eat, and that shocked me, but the commercial was from the early 60s i guess…

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@odd It’s weird and startling to me how much people are willing to do (in life and with food) because they feel certain that nothing’s wrong with it. I’m not sure that pesticides are across the board harmful, but I’d be willing to bet that the older ones we’ve been talking about weren’t all that healthy. And yet, there wasn’t much resistance to them until fairly recently.

Makes me wonder what commonplace items we use now will be considered crazy to use in the future?

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