I had to come home early from work thanks to a migraine. Nothing terribly unusual about that as I'm a sufferer but I did notice a return to my old/usual aura rather than the colour-draining dizziness of recent months.
I had to come home early from work thanks to a migraine. Nothing terribly unusual about that as I'm a sufferer but I did notice a return to my old/usual aura rather than the colour-draining dizziness of recent months.
@klandwehr @kitt thanks. Travelling home was “interesting” although I did get to fall asleep on the train which helped a bit - at least until I had to walk home from the station in bright sunlight. Not good for my hyper-photosensitivy during an attack.
Still, the actual migraine portion itself isn’t the worst bit for me as long as I can lay down in a dark room and sleep - which I did when I got home. It’s the postdrome that really gets me, the “hangover” - a fuzziness and sense of not being “entirely there” accompanied by an ongoing version of my aura (like a dark shadow is hanging over my right eye) that usually lasts for a couple of days.