@colinwalker When it comes wide-ranging, thought-provoking reading material, one of my favorites is Aeon. The pieces are interesting journeys into the arts, philosophy, & sciences that stand apart from the breathless churn.
@colinwalker Cool. If you find other sites you like, will you please share them? I’ve pruned my RSS feeds along similar lines, but would be happy to add new feeds that trade high tempo for resonance.
@colinwalker woot, resolutions! I too recently sought to cull and diversify my RSS feeds. I've had great luck discovering new feeds to follow by following a few aggregate sources (e.g. Reddit, link blogs, etc). After I find a few good “primary" sources, I then drop off the aggregator. Also, I don't know how you feel about web comics, but I think they live well in RSS readers, and I'm obsessed with this one: Drive
@eli I used to read a few but got out of the habit.
@colinwalker @schuth Aeon is terrific. My other regulars are Brain Pickings, 3QuarksDaily, and Colossal.
@colinwalker My recommendations were too long to fit into a reply, so I wrote a post on my blog with some. Let me know what you think! :)
@kulturnation Definitely. I can understand truncated posts in feeds (though find it annoying). But no syndication at all pushes potential audience away. Silly!