I'm going! IndieWeb-friendly personal sites can work together to provide all kinds of social features to the web. Likes, replies, bookmarks, GIF responses, reaction videos, and way more! But should our sites do this? Recreating the dopamine-hit, engagement-maximizing, abuse-inviting pa...
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@schmarty An interesting topic. On the whole, I think the ease with which minimum viable social actions can be created on social networks is the issue. Even though a multitude of responses can be sent via indieweb tech the additional friction required to do so from your own site is a natural limiter until you start talking about browser extensions and apps that can automate the process. Having this all distributed rather than controlled by just a few entities is definitely better but how much is too much? Fortunately, there's time to figure it out as the indieweb tech is still too complex for most and not very widespread as yet.
