Podcasts. You Need A Player AND Something To Listen To. john.philpin.com
I have read a number of questions from people in different communities I am part of, asking for Podcast recommendations. I don’t think it is an easy question to answer.
1) There are millions of these puppies
2) Because I like something doesn’t mean you will
3) My recommendations this week might be different next - because 'moods'
4) and and and
I wrote this post as a starting point.
Happy to share my current OPML with anyone who wants it - add a comment below - or email me.
Happy to offer my thoughts on what you might like if I know more about what you like.
I won't typically offer BIG NAME podcasts.
@JohnPhilpin Recommendations can often come cheap, particularly on iTunes where everyone begs for reviews. I prefer hearing about what people actually listened to. What did you invest your time in/on? This is why I sporadically maintain what I call a faux-cast or a feed of podcasts and audio I've actually listened to: boffosocko.com/2018/03/0...
@chrisaldrich interesting - though 'sporadic' seems to be a generous term - last update I can see is over two years ago :-)
That said - interesting idea - basically any time you listen to a podcast - it goes out to the feed.
RE iTunes - yes - agreed - my recommendation take ups are based much more on who that person is - and why we are connected.
Eg if a specific American friend of mine in London suggests I listen to a new piece of music / podcast - I will ... that's the trust and knowledge we have between us ...
Someone else I might do the same around 'marketing' - but I might completely ignore them when it comes to film and / or whatever....
@JohnPhilpin Which link were you looking at? This should show one yesterday, another from August, and a bunch earlier this year: https://boffosocko.com/kind/listen/. Admittedly there are a lot which are private and only visible to me when logged in. By imbedding the audio into the listen post, it becomes a listenable podcast itself which can be subscribed to in most podcatchers. Perhaps I should figure out how to better syndicate them into m.b.? 🤔 My posting process for them could be streamlined as well...
@chrisaldrich AAH
Sorry - I followed the link you sent and scrolled down. Hadn't quite connected it to a series of posts - and 'all right - all right - all right' .... how are you doing that? Perfect.
I am using Overcast - and I have read that there is an extension that allows me to do something like that - except of course I can't - or maybe I misunderstood.
Is there an 'easy' automatic way to do this?
I signed up for HuffDuffer - not heard back.
Now if only podcatchers could support micropub for more easily creating scrobbles or “listens”…
suggests not :-(
@JohnPhilpin I get greatest value from podcast hosts mentioning what drops into their listening or reading queues. And if a hosts writes long form, I often pay as I read.