How to Live the IndieWeb Dream:
How to Live the IndieWeb Dream:
@chrisaldrich I set this up to focus on writing more and better and publicly. Doing indieweb hacking counts, right? I'm going to focus on the writing for now, but I am also going to bookmark this and set a reminder to come back to it in a month.
@garo It definitely counts. If you need the tactile part, then maybe this will help motivate you as well? Handwriting my Website with a Digital Amanuensis 😉🖋️
@chrisaldrich I was thinking of just taking a picture of my handwritten blog post and posting that. And using the iOS handwriting detection in camera to add the alt text (typos and all). 😁
@chrisaldrich Chris you are definitely winning centralising all content from mothership.
My only thought is: it puts a lot of pressure on that single domain name. I'd have thought something involving your name might be fitting for that. I'd love to understand better the naming choice?!
@warner There's certainly no reason one couldn't have dozens of domains for multiple things, however I find that it's far easier to search one location than many. A big part of my domain name choice is that my name was taken in several popular top level domain choices. I've documented some of the rest of the particular details here: The Story of My Domain
@garo My original research indicated that would probably be one of the easiest methods, but I'm an Android person, so iOS wasn't really an option.
@chrisaldrich I will do a test post this weekend for fun. Something lighter than what I am currently scribbling away and on about.
@chrisaldrich ha thought you might have a boffosocko link to explain ;) Shoulda guessed Hollywood slang. You might get a kick out of "Movie Speak: How to Talk Like You Belong on a Film Set" by Tony Bill I reviewed in this vlog while I was out there. Wonder if they're in there!
Thanks for shouting out my Cerulean link shorterner btw. My personal one is arguably even wittier, and is probably more in line with your single-home philosophy as it's a subdomain: