Hello from Ubuntu on an early-2011 MacBook Pro 13-inch! I’d like to make a few tweaks to speed up Ubuntu’s boot on this device – but other than that, snappy.
Hello from Ubuntu on an early-2011 MacBook Pro 13-inch! I’d like to make a few tweaks to speed up Ubuntu’s boot on this device – but other than that, snappy.
@mjdescy It does! (Though I posted that via WordPress as per usual). Not this reply, however. :)
Though I cannot seem to get Thunderbird to work with iCloud+ email. I wonder if there are better email clients on Ubuntu.
@cdevroe I am running macOS on my late 2012, and the SSD I put in it makes a lot of difference. However it may not be worth the upgrade if you have other options. I see iFixit have a upgrade kit.
@odd Very nice of you to look that up for me. I'm going to give this a thorough try, if I really dig it maybe I'll pick up something else to run it on eBay. A ThinkPad maybe? Or do you think I'd be better off just upgrading the SSD in this?
@cdevroe I’m not sure. I haven’t used PCs in a long time, so not sure what the offers are. I don’t think there’s a lot of difference between our Macs, and I use mine as the main computer still. (The other ones are older). I think I read somewhere that Apple are dropping support (updates) for 2012s soon, so maybe I’ll switch to Ubuntu too.