New post: Sprucing up the design again
I’ve had a tidy up on the blog, added dark mode and search!
New post: Sprucing up the design again
I’ve had a tidy up on the blog, added dark mode and search!
@pimoore Thanks! Glad you like it :-). Looking at Google Fonts for a way to download .woff files, I just realised that I'm using EB Gramamond, not Baskerville, which is embarrassing! I did test with Baskerville, but the free version didn't have the right weights available, so I switched and forgot that I switched. I'll update the post. Anyway, I'll see if I can find .woff formats or convert from .ttf.
I haven't found the 100GB a month limit a problem at all. I don't have huge traffic, and I host the images (other than design assets) off site (on Backblaze B2) and link to them, but my bandwidth is usually 3-5GB per month, so I am nowhere near the limit. YMMV of course, depending on a variety of factors.
@pimoore @jasonekratz I agree: I think in practice it’s not a problem. I imagine if you got Fireballed, the Netlify people would be able to see that it was a one-off and out of the run of your normal bandwidth usage, and they might just give you the benefit of the doubt for a ‘first offence’ 😉
@rcrackley Thanks! Tailwind has a great colour palette which makes it quite easy to be consistent with colours, saturation and so on. You’re picking from a well chosen range of options rather than choosing an exact value.
@Cheri I think Netlify is an amazing service. I would actually like to give them money, even though I really don’t need the extra stuff in the next tier up. I kind of wish they had a cheaper ‘hobby’ tier - maybe with enhanced support or something?
@bsag I’ve had the same thought. $19/mo is too steep for a simple blog. I did subscribe to their analytics briefly, but it wasn’t very useful, so I dropped it.
@pimoore I think Netlify probably could build the Tailwind files if you set it up that way, but I just make sure that I build the assets on my machine, then push the repository to Bitbucket. That’s connected to Netlify, so when I push, Netlify does a hugo build
and makes the site live. You can also have it set up so that pushing to a branch creates a private preview if you want to check all is well.